Currach Software Mobile / Android Japanese
Seek by Scroll
Version 1.0
Currach Software Mobile

This is a game to be able to fully enjoy scroll.
This is a game to seek numbers from 1 to 36 by scroll and touch it.
There are 3 modes.
1x1 mode: only one number is shown, other 35 numbers are hidden. You seek the number by scroll and touch it. This is the recommend mode.
2x2 mode: Four numbers are shown, other numbers are hidden.
3x3 mode: Nine numbers are shown, other numbers are hidden. 3x3 is the simplest.
It is a game of moving eyesight and memory.
Version Info
 Version 1.0  2012.01.12  First version

icon by Asami Tatsuzawa

(C) Copyright 2012 Currach Software. All rights reserved.