Currach Software Mobile / Android iPhone Japanese
Version 3.0
Currach Software Mobile

MelodyMelody is a classical memory match game by melodies and auditory memory.

Melodies are created by MelodyMelody at random.

Tap on a tile to hear its melody. And then the tile turn light green. Next, search the same melody and tap on it, and then its melody plays. Remember where you heard a certain melody.
If the melodies match, then the tiles turn yellow and show its musical score.
If the melodies do not match, then the tile turn red, and add 1 to mistake counter.

For the training of ears and the brain, to get close to musical score, and enjoy melodies.

YouTube :
This video is a iPhone version.

Version Info
Version 3.0 2011.06.06 Settings: Octave and Octave number of Center C 
Version 1.2 2010.09.11 small bug fixed. 
Version 1.1 2010.0901 support Android Market Licensing(LVL).
Version 1.0 2009.12.12 First version

 Tiles  col. : 2 - 6
 row : 2 - 6
 Notes  num. : 1 - 8
 time : 1/4, 1/8 , 1/16
 octave : -2, -1, 0, +1, +2
 Instrument  1:piano1 - 128:Gun Shot
 General Midi
 Rabge of next note  S, M, L, XL
 Velocity  0 - 127
 Others  Silent Mode

Example of "Range of next note" - Settings
in case of "S" in case of "XL"

Introduction of other Apps for Android OS
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(C) Copyright 2009-2011 Currach Software. All rights reserved.